半湿物料粉碎机是针对发酵过的家畜禽类粪便、城市污泥、药渣、酒糟等水份含量在20%-50%之间的物料进行粉碎,同时对城市生活垃圾,蜜桃WWW视频高清在线观看原料中的玻璃,陶瓷,砖头,碎石等硬物质起到了研磨作用,达到安全施用的效果。该机利用高速旋转刀片,粉碎粒度值达到造粒要求 ,也可根据用户需要粉碎粒度在适当范围内调节。对蜜桃WWW视频高清在线观看、堆肥生产缩短工艺流程、减少设备投资、节约运行成本起到了重要作用。该机是肥料生产加工单位的理想机械。
Half -Wet Material Crusher
Use and Features:
The half wet material crusher is used to crush the fermented livestock and poultry manure, municipal sludge, drug residue, distiller's grains and other materials with moisture content between 20%-50%. It also has grinding effect on the hard materials such as glass, ceramics, brick and gravel in the municipal solid waste and organic manure raw materials. The machine uses high-speed rotary blades,the materials size after crushing meet the requirements of granulation, and also to adjust the granularity according to the needs of users. It plays an important role in shortening the technological process, reducing the investment in equipment and saving the running cost of organic manure and compost production. This machine is an ideal machine for fertilizer production and processing factory.